Our Plan

Dauphin is a first-class community that thrives on its rich history and embraces the opportunities of the future – a place where people choose to live, work, invest and visit.

Seek, encourage and facilitate wealth generating opportunities for the Dauphin community by providing leadership and direction necessary for sustainable business and community growth.

In 2007, Dauphin Economic Development & Tourism (DED&T) developed a five-year strategic plan that would re-define the community’s economic future. The process involved broadly based community consultation and assisted in defining six strategic pillars of economic development and priorities to move forward.

The Strategic Priorities are:

  1. Business Development
  2. Tourism & Promotion
  3. Community Readiness
  4. Downtown Renewal
  5. Population Growth
  6. Partnerships

As community environments are subject to change over time, a mid-term review was conducted in 2010 by DED&T to assess progress and review the priority areas and activities. Overall, the results from the community consultation process identified that the six priority areas are still relevant and that current initiatives address ongoing community needs.

The key issues identified during the review process were as follows

  • Assumption by residents that there is nothing to do in Dauphin (Tourism & Promotion)
  • Poor signage within the community to direct traffic to key locations (Tourism & Promotion)
  • Lack of vision or identity that can be used to attract more people to Dauphin (Population Growth)
  • No theme, vision or ‘heartbeat in the Downtown (Downtown Renewal)
  • Lack of adequate entry level housing for young people (Community Readiness)
  • Need to change attitudes, create community buy-in and identity

Years later, the plan is still relevant and we the board and staff continue to work with community partners and clients to address the priorities outlined in the plan and other areas applicable to our community’s growth.